Thursday Sept. 30
13.00: Arrival, Light Lunch
The overall architecture of contract governance
Speakers: Stefan Grundmann, Florian Möslein, Karl Riesenhuber
I. Third Party Impact and Governance Problems in Herd Behaviour
Chair: Gerd Gigerenzer
1. The concept of Herd Behaviour
Speaker: Tatsuya Kameda
Discussant: Peer Zumbansen
2. Moral Hazard and Herd Behaviour in the Financial Crisis
Speaker: Bruno S. Frey
Discussant: Gunther Teubner
16.30: Coffee Break
3. Herd Behaviour and Third Party impact as a legal concept?
Speaker: Hans-W. Micklitz
Discussant: Michael Klausner
ii. Governance of networks of contracts Chair: Christian Kirchner
18.15.—19.301. Firms outside Firms – contract-based and firm-based organisation
Speaker: Charles F. Sabel
Discussant: Gerard Hertig
20.00: Conference Dinner
Friday Oct. 1
9.00—10.152. Contractual networks in a Socio-Economic Perspective
Speaker: Richard Swedberg
Discussant: Marc Amstutz
10.15: Coffee Break
3. Direct claims and Distribution of Profits - Companies and Networks Compared (round Table)
Discussants: Paul Davies, Hanno Merkt, Vito Roberto
iii. Governance in long-Term relationships · Chair: Klaus J. Hopt
11.45—13.001. fairness and reciprocity as Schemes of Behaviour
Speaker: Stefan Magen
Discussant: Gralf-Peter Calliess
13.00: Lunch
2. Cooperation, Games and Economic Theory in long-Term relationship
Speaker: Dominique Demougin
Discussant: Fernando Gomez
15.45: Coffee Break
3. opportunistic Behaviour in long-Term investment relation- ships and legal answers Speaker: Clayton Gillette
Discussant: Urs Schweizer
iv. Governance and Rule Setting · Chair: Wolfgang Schön
17.15—18.301. Europeanisation, Regulatory competition and Privatisation a comparative analysis
Speaker: Fabrizio Cafaggi
Discussant: Wolfgang Kerber
20.00: Philharmonie
Saturday Oct. 2
2. Contract governance and Governance of Contract (Re-)Negotiations
Speaker: Hugh Collins
Discussant: Horst Eidenmüller
10.15: Coffee Break
3. Innovation and the Role of Public-Private Collaboration in Contract Governance Speaker: Katharina Pistor
Discussant: Gunnar Folke Schuppert
v. contract governance and Political Dimensions
Chair: Christine Windbichler
Discussants: Kern Alexander,
Klaus J. Hopt,
Mats Isaksson,
Karl-Heinz Oehler (yet to be confirmed)
13.00: Lunch Afternoon: Visit to Potsdam – Sanssouci; Ship cruise back to Berlin.